Lepaa exhibition

Lepaa 2025 is meeting place for professionals

This event has started in 1964, and that is why Lepaa-exhibition is one of the oldest professional exhibitions in Europe.

In Lepaa you’ll get new contacts.

Lepaa 2025 has a wide range of what you need. You’ll meet flower and vegetable growers, fruit and berry growers, professionals in teaching and research, landscape construction and design, landscape maintenance, environment and real estate caretaking, golf workers, florists, garden center representatives, export and marketing personnel.

Lepaa 2025 has a lot to offer. We present for example horticultural information and courses, cars and tractors, biological control, greenhouses and their equipment, growth substances, fertilizers, plants, sowing and weeding machines, playground equipment, heating systems, landscape machinery, seeds, pots, pumps and lighting – everything you can hope for if you are interested in horticulture and landscaping!

Check out the contract and prices later in here (in Finnish). If you have any questions, please contact Elina Vuori, tel. +358 45 7733 2657, ask for Mrs. Elina Vuori or send e-mail elina.vuori@hortimedia.fi.

Lepaa 2025 is the most important event of the year for many exhibitors!

We have arranged the exhibition next year 61 years so everything is guaranteed to work out well. There will be easy and relaxed spirit in Lepaa. We all want to make this happening successful.

Lepaa 2025 exhibition is your absolute choice, if you are interested in horticulture and business. Each August the trade professionals gather in Lepaa, close to the town of Hämeenlinna, some 118 km north of Helsinki, to present the newest inventions in both flower and vegetable industry as well as machines and equipment for the landscape industries. The easiest way to come to Lepaa is by car. From Hämeenlinna railway station you can take also a taxi for the 17 kilometers ride.

Our visitors are true decision makers in their farms and companies. Four out of ten are deciding alone about the products and services bought to their companies. Other four out of ten are a crucial part of the decision making process. Every fourth visitor is self-employed.

Lepaa 2025 attracts professionals from Finland and neighbouring countries. Especially horticultural professionals from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are visiting the exhibition to get new ideas and purchase equipment.

Everything runs smoothly

The exhibitors have been very satisfied with the exhibition. And why? Because there are plenty of buying customers from several customer groups. Almoust 60 years of experience in arranging the exhibition makes everything run smoothly, and wide perspective gives each time new, even unexpected customer contacts. Traffic arrangements are good and parking lots are situated right beside the exhibition area. The overall image is relaxed but still efficient – many exhibitors come to Lepaa-exhibition year after year. Exhibitioners and visitors agree that this is the most important event of the year in the business. Come and feel Lepaa spirit with other professionals!

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Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @lepaanayttely. Use hastags #lepaanayttely and #lepaa.

Do not hesitate to ask more

Lepaa-exhibition, Kauppapuutarhaliitto ry
14.–16. August 2025

Veljestentie 16

Lepaantie 129, FIN-14610 Lepaa (Hattula)

Please contact us at lepaa@kauppapuutarhaliitto.fi

tel. +358 45 7733 2657, Mrs. Elina Vuori